Can’t help but worry…

Sorry I didn’t post after my OB appointment last week. My appointments are usually super quick, boring and I leave with everything being awesome.

Everything wasn’t completely awesome at my 32 week appointment. My fundal height (the length of my uterus from top to bottom) measured 3 weeks ahead, so I will need to have an ultrasound at my next appointment. On it’s own fundal height isn’t really that big a deal, but the baby wasn’t moving in it’s typical pattern. So to be on the safe side I will have an ultrasound at just after 34 weeks to make sure everything is okay with baby, amniotic fluid and the baby’s position (doc couldn’t tell if baby was head down or not).

After I scheduled my next appointment, I went to the car and cried my eyes out. I’m sure they are begin extra cautious, but I can’t help but worry. I do consider myself to be a mother even though baby isn’t here yet. Mothers worry, it’s part of the job.

I have been very good though and have NOT googled anything. I do have some ideas though about what could be going on, but I’m trying very hard to remain positive.

I WILL give you the low-down on Mommy-Con. Just not right now, I have pics to take and just don’t have the energy right now. I have to pack today, tomorrow we leave for the OC and that is going to require all of my energy.

Countdown to baby: 49 days


Is it June, yet?

The last couple of weeks have reminded me of tirade Elizabeth Banks’ character from the What to Expect When You’re Expecting movie went on during her speech. Pregnancy sucks.

No, really. It does.

I’ve been completely exhausted the last couple of weeks. I haven’t been able to muster the energy to get out of bed in the morning to make Devin breakfast before he heads off to work. There was even one day where I didn’t wake up at all to give him a kiss good-bye. That has never happened before and needless to say I didn’t like it. 

Earlier this morning, I dropped Devin off at the airport. He is headed to Las Vegas for a friend’s bachelor party, so I have the weekend to myself. This is the first weekend we’ve been apart since we moved in together in December 2012. 16 months is a long time and I miss him already.

 With the hubs out of town, I will be attending Mommy-Con in Austin tomorrow. This will be my first event (obviously, why would I go when I wasn’t a mother) and I’m really excited to see what it’s all about. I’m hoping that I will be able to observe The Great Cloth Diaper Change. I am so excited to cloth diaper, it’s kind of absurd.

I ordered some awesome diapers last week and received them on Monday.


The top two are Chelory’s (One size AIO and Newborn AIO) that I bought new because I’ve heard amazing things about. They’re pricey diapers, but the quality is outstanding. The bottom one is a Padded Patootie (One Size AIO)that I was able to score on the Facebook b/s/t page. Padded Patootie’s are incredibly difficult to come by, so I was super excited to score this diaper (it’s never been used). 

Obviously, I won’t have any clue if these diapers work as awesome as they look until my kid arrives, but I have heard nothing but great things about both. Plus, it makes me feel good to support Work at Home Moms (WAHMs – which is why I’d like to score a PP new). 

Next year, I hope to use one of these dipes when I participate in the Great Cloth Diaper Change.

Anyway, I’m hoping to get lots of awesome info at Mommy-Con tomorrow. I’m planning to take lots of notes (I love notes) and I’ll share what I learn.

Countdown to baby: 61 days…

Where have I been?!

The weather here is crazy right now! Thunderstorms and lightning every couple of minutes.

The power went out briefly and our wireless hasn’t come back on despite my resetting the router. No WiFi. 😢I’m writing the post from my phone which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Last week was a total bust! I was extremely exhausted all week. I would wake up to eat and then go right back to sleep. Monday to Thursday, I was awake about 5 hours each day. I felt useless, but I take it as a sign that baby is getting bigger and stronger.

On Friday, I decided that I had to be productive. I started prepping our cloth diapers. It’s a little overwhelming trying to remember how each item should be washed.

It turns out I was overly cautious with the prefolds by air drying them when they could’ve gone in the dryer. I learned a valuable lesson for next time . They take forever to air dry, so I won’t be doing that again. I have to do 4 more washes on some of the diapers to make sure they are fully prepped and ready to go. This will be my Friday routine for the next 4 weeks.

I also started working on the owl painting for the nursery (finally, I know). I still am unclear about what I actually want, but I thought I better do something and if I don’t like it I have more blank canvases!

We started a little garden yesterday on the patio. The whole thing was a total mess, so we cleaned it up and stored the things that were out there preventing us from actually using the space.

We planted some flowers and herbs in planters we already had that we collecting dust. We also bought a calla lily plant and gardenia bush for inside the house. I’m so excited to actually have a garden. It looks so pretty and is very peaceful to sit out there now.

Houseplants are supposed to be good for your health and well being. Neither Devin or I have green thumbs, so here’s hoping we don’t kill the plants.

I’m hoping the weather will let up a bit, I have grocery shopping on the agenda today and I don’t want to get soaked! Until then I’m off to work on the owl.

Countdown to baby: 72 days


I never knew that breathing could be so complicated. 

We just got home from Childbirth class and this week we focused on breathing exercises. Am I the only one that forgets to inhale during all these rapid exhalations? The deep breathing did feel awesome! It’s like I usually only half ass breathing, my lungs and nasal passage felt cool and refreshed. 

This weekend we went and got a 3D ultrasound. It was sort of anticlimactic. The kid was bent in half and would not move both feet from in front of its face. I tried drinking juice, laying on my left side and bending over and nothing would make it change positions. We got a couple good pictures though, so I’m glad we did it.

We also got coupons for spa services. Baby massage, here I come. My husband has been telling me to get a prenatal massage for a few months now and now because we have coupons, I will!

It’s been a week since the puppies had their surgery and they are back to normal; meaning completely crazy. Bamm-Bamm has discovered that without balls, he can jump on the couch and bed without assistance. I’m not sure I like this development. Meanwhile, Pebbles is totally afraid of jumping and has started rolling on her back and peeing when we try to pick her up from the couch. I didn’t realize that having her spayed and an umbilical hernia repaired would make her incontinent. *sad face*

The good news is that they both are doing well. 

I have major updates on baby stuff for tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Countdown to baby: 79 days


It’s Monday….

This is one of the busier days we’ve had.

It started at 6:15 this morning. I know that’s not super early for most people, but for us, it’s almost unheard of. 

Our puppies had their spay/neuter appointments today and we had to drop them off 7:30. We got home around 7:45 and then started the mad scramble for the rest of the day. 

I made eggs and sausage for breakfast. I showered quickly and began the mad dash to get ready for my doctors appointment. 

Today was my monthly visit with the OB and also my 28 week labs. If you don’t know what that entails, let me explain. 

First up for me, I had to get my drink on. The glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes includes drinking a super sugary (50 grams of Dextrose) in 10 ounces flavored kind of like soda. It wasn’t horrible, just incredibly sweet. I drank it fairly quickly because I didn’t see any reason to sip it.


Then I went back out into the waiting room with strict instructions not to be late for my blood draw an hour later. 

I was then called in for my appointment with the doctor. Like most appointments at this point in (non-complicated) pregnancy, it’s quite simple. I step on the scale (HOLY SHIT BALLS), get my blood pressure taken (112/72) and then wait for the doctor. He comes in, asks how things are, we chat, he measures my belly (measuring a week ahead, no biggie) and listens to baby’s heartbeat via fetal doppler. This being my 28 week appointment we talk about what blood work they will do (complete CBC, HIV test and blood glucose) and also about getting the Tdap vaccine. All is well. He instructs me to wait for the nurse to give me the shot and then schedule my next appointment in two weeks. 

I kind of feel like pregnancy is progressing now, I get to go to the doctor EVERY TWO WEEKS! It’s awesome and it sucks. It’s great because we are getting closer to the baby being here, but it sucks because everything is going well, why do I need to live at the doctors office?!

Anyway, while waiting for the shot (like two minutes), I get a call from the vet asking me if we want them to repair Pebbles hernia while doing her spay and the additional fee for it. I give the okay for the additional procedure while the lovely nurse waits patiently. 

She gives me the shot and I go back up to check out and schedule my next appointment. After doing that, I go back to the lab to wait the final 25 minutes before my blood draw. 

They take 3 vials of blood and I’m out. Phew!

While I was at the office, I felt great. I’ve heard from multiple people that the sugar drink makes people nauseous or lightheaded, but I didn’t feel any of that. I had tons of energy and big plans to shampoo the carpets when I got home. 

Needless to say, when I got home I was wiped out. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep for four hours. When I woke up at 2:30, I ate lunch (chicken breast and roasted brussels sprouts) and called my mom to give her my appointment update.

I picked the dogs up at around 4:15 and they are just a pitiful mess. They look so sad and tired; it breaks my heart. ImageImage

We have strict instructions for them for the next 10 days. No running or jumping (this sounds impossible) and they absolutely cannot lick their stitches for risk of infection or pulling them out. Devin is on his way to pick up the plastic cones to help with no licking. My poor babies!

Next on the agenda? Childbirth class! We start our classes tonight. It runs for 4 weeks (Monday) with each class 2.5 hours long. I’m strangely excited. It’s getting more real; we are having a baby….soon!

Countdown to baby: 86 days



Why am I not surprised?

I’m sick. 

We made it home from Boston on Tuesday. I didn’t think it was THAT cold, but luckily, I was able to find a coat. I woke up yesterday feeling some kind of crap-tastic. I’m not sure if it’s the change in weather or the germs from the plane, but it sucks. I’ve practically lived on the couch for the last couple days.

I think I’m starting to feel better though. Fingers crossed.

I’ll give a full report on our weekend when I’m feeling better.

Countdown to baby: 90 days…


No Sleep Till….

I got NO sleep last night. And, by no sleep I mean, MAYBE an hour and a half. I didn’t fall asleep until around 5:45 this morning. I know that because I was playing on my phone the whole time.

Today was pretty uneventful.

I packed for Boston for both myself and Devin. Packing for short trips is more difficult for me, I want to pack everything! It’s going to be pretty cold, especially Monday; I don’t have a coat that fits me in this stage of pregnancy. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to find one once we get there.

I polished off the rest of the sugar cookies. Gross, I know.

I made a menu and grocery list for when we get back on Tuesday. It may sound strange, but I love meal planning. Our biggest problem is eating out pretty frequently, when eating at home would be the healthiest thing for us. I’ve been really lazy lately with the cooking, so when we get back from Boston we’re getting back on the wagon. I’m also promising (myself, AGAIN) to start exercising.

If you’re interested here is what we’re going to be eating when we get back. I’ve included links to the websites that I find these delicious recipes on (I’m not particularly creative myself). We always have leftovers for lunch the next day, it makes life so much simpler.

Tuesday (we get back in the afternoon)

Dinner – Cobb Salad. I make this with chicken breast (boiled or grilled) and bacon. My husbands’ favorite. Quick & Easy.


Breakfast – Over medium eggs, bacon & toast

Snack – Cottage Cheese

Lunch – Leftovers

Snack – 1/2 Avocado & String Cheese

Dinner – Chicken thighs with mashed sweet potatoes & green beans


Breakfast – Broccoli, sausage & cheese scramble

Snack – Plain greek yogurt with mixed fresh berries

Lunch – Leftovers

Snack – Mixed Nuts

Dinner – Swedish meatballs with bok choy & salad (I have a batch of these ready in the freezer.)


Breakfast – Paleo Blueberry Pancakes (these are SO good) with sausage

Snack – Banana & string cheese

Lunch – Leftovers

Snack – Cottage cheese

Dinner – BLT’s with avocado & salad


Breakfast – Over medium eggs, bacon & hash browns

Snack – Pink Grapefruit Smoothie

Lunch – Leftovers

Snack – 1/2 green apple & toast with almond butter

Dinner – Easy Shredded Pork (skipping the plantains in this recipe, they are delicious though) with mashed sweet potatoes & roasted brussels sprouts

We just dropped the puppies off at the puppy hotel. I didn’t expect to be so sad about it. I’m sitting here now, wondering if they miss us, if they’re crying. 😦

I’m off to try to get some sleep. Our day starts at 3:45 a.m. tomorrow. It’s going to be a long one.

Countdown to baby: 96 days…


I shouldn’t be allowed to bake. 

I made sugar cookies today and have eaten about 8 of them so far. The same thing happened about a month ago when I made peanut butter cookies. I can’t stop eating them! Gah.

I don’t take my gestational diabetes test until the 31st, so maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me something; eat the sugar while you can!! In all seriousness, sugar is all I’ve been craving for the last three weeks or so. It makes me feel gross, but it’s all I want!

Other than cookies, all I did today was laundry in preparation for Boston. 

Life is pretty boring right now.

Countdown to baby: 97 days


I’ve kind of been a slacker. The baby must be having a growth spurt because I am really tired this week. It started on Sunday, napping most of the day (it didn’t help that the weather was crap). Yesterday, I fell asleep about an hour after waking up and slept an additional 4 hours. 

26 weeks today. Only 14 to go. Seems like it’s taking forever and going too quickly at the same time.

On Saturday we were supposed to attend a Cloth Diapering class, but didn’t make it on time and I refuse to show up late (I think it’s rude and disrespectful). So, we are just going to wing it. 

We started our stash with a Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit. I’m still hesitant about this kit because I wanted to get a variety of brands and styles, but Devin got sold on it so we’ll keep it. Cloth Diapering is my new obsession. It’s bordering on unhealthy, it occupies most of my day; researching various brands and styles of diapers to try to decide what else I want to add to my stash.

There is SO much information available it is OVERWHELMING and exciting at the same time. Google is my BFF and worst enemy right now. 

We have a last minute trip to Boston this weekend. Devin has to go for a work thing on Monday and I’m going to visit with my family that lives in Connecticut. We leave on Saturday and won’t get back until Tuesday afternoon. 

I don’t have a maternity jacket. I’m going to freeze.

Countdown to baby: 98 days…(holy shit balls that seems soon)

Friday is a Favorite

There is something very calming in waking up knowing that you’ve already prepared breakfast. I’m usually running around like a crazy person to make sure my husband is well fed and off to work on time. I love mornings when I’ve already done the hard work.

Breakfast for us was an asparagus, provolone frittata and sausage patties. Frittatas are easy to make and are so yummy. 


I needed some pampering after yesterday, so I went and got a lovely mani/pedi early this morning.


I love it when the nail salon isn’t busy and I don’t have to wait and aren’t rushed.

 When I got home, it was time to get back to work on the nursery art.

After the first painting, I learned that it really is important to take my time. That includes making sure I have the proper tools when I start painting.


It did take me a little longer than I would’ve liked, but I think the “A” is complete. I really like the way it turned out. Sorry the picture is so bad!


My husband and I are attending a Cloth Diapering 101 class at a local store tomorrow, so I’ll have a lot to share with you after the weekend!

Countdown to baby: 103 days (I posted last night after midnight, so no progress on that).