Where have I been?!

The weather here is crazy right now! Thunderstorms and lightning every couple of minutes.

The power went out briefly and our wireless hasn’t come back on despite my resetting the router. No WiFi. 😢I’m writing the post from my phone which isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Last week was a total bust! I was extremely exhausted all week. I would wake up to eat and then go right back to sleep. Monday to Thursday, I was awake about 5 hours each day. I felt useless, but I take it as a sign that baby is getting bigger and stronger.

On Friday, I decided that I had to be productive. I started prepping our cloth diapers. It’s a little overwhelming trying to remember how each item should be washed.

It turns out I was overly cautious with the prefolds by air drying them when they could’ve gone in the dryer. I learned a valuable lesson for next time . They take forever to air dry, so I won’t be doing that again. I have to do 4 more washes on some of the diapers to make sure they are fully prepped and ready to go. This will be my Friday routine for the next 4 weeks.

I also started working on the owl painting for the nursery (finally, I know). I still am unclear about what I actually want, but I thought I better do something and if I don’t like it I have more blank canvases!

We started a little garden yesterday on the patio. The whole thing was a total mess, so we cleaned it up and stored the things that were out there preventing us from actually using the space.

We planted some flowers and herbs in planters we already had that we collecting dust. We also bought a calla lily plant and gardenia bush for inside the house. I’m so excited to actually have a garden. It looks so pretty and is very peaceful to sit out there now.

Houseplants are supposed to be good for your health and well being. Neither Devin or I have green thumbs, so here’s hoping we don’t kill the plants.

I’m hoping the weather will let up a bit, I have grocery shopping on the agenda today and I don’t want to get soaked! Until then I’m off to work on the owl.

Countdown to baby: 72 days

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